Vanguard ETF strategic model portfolios seek returns in line with those of their respective benchmarks, giving you more control over your exposure to risk.
The experience of an industry leader
Vanguard's deep expertise in both portfolio construction and asset allocation is the result of its history of designing products with the long term in mind almost since it began operations in 1975.
The experience of an industry leader
Vanguard's deep expertise in both portfolio construction and asset allocation is the result of its history of designing products with the long term in mind almost since it began operations in 1975.
Vanguard ETF strategic model portfolios provide a high level of diversification through broad exposure to domestic and international markets.
We've driven down investment costs and kept them low. The exceptionally low expense ratios of Vanguard ETFs produce powerful advantages for investors.
Low costs mean that investors can keep more of our ETFs' investment returns.