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Ocean Park - Strategist Overview

Founded in 1987, Ocean Park and its affiliates manage over $830 million in assets for retirees and other conservative clients. We are a fee-based Registered Investment Advisor company located in Santa Monica, California, nationally known for our unique focus on limiting risk.

At Ocean Park, we take the view that we cannot manage returns -- the stock, bond, and commodity markets fluctuate significantly and unpredictably -- but we can manage downside risk. We apply an integrated, well-proven set of risk-management disciplines to limit the impact of adverse market episodes on our managed accounts. In most cases, we believe our approach will limit overall downside risk to 3% or 4% of the client's overall account -- as we have in the recent past, during an extended and severe bear market -- although such results cannot be guaranteed.

Ocean Park Available on MAP Qualified & MAP NQ

Ocean Park Models
  • Tactical Bond Strategy
  • Conservative Allocation Strategy

Ocean Park Tactical Bond Model

The Ocean Park Tactical Bond Model seeks to produce satisfying long-term returns while limiting downside risk. It uses a tactical approach to move between three uncorrelated asset classes; High Yield Corporate Bond (HYCB), U.S. Treasuries, or Cash.

Ocean Park Conservative Allocation Strategy

The Ocean Park Conservative Allocation Strategy has two investment objectives: to provide long-term total return and limit volatility and downside risk.

The Strategy's multi-asset diversification approach employs unusually broad diversification across asset classes, markets, industries and issuers. A passive "buy and hold" strategy is not employed. As part of an integrated risk-management discipline, the Strategy monitors underlying holding daily and applies a trailing stop discipline to each holding, based on a proprietary methodology, to limit the impact of any sustained decline in a given asset class or holding. The overall asset allocation of the Strategy is not fixed, It can and does change significantly over time, re-allocating the portfolio in response to trend changes in the U.S. and global economy and in various investment markets.


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