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Main Management -Strategist Overview

A pioneer in managing all ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) portfolios, Main Management, LLC is committed to delivering liquid, transparent and cost-efficient investment solutions to family offices, high net worth individuals and institutional investors.


By combining the investment insights of experienced industry professionals with smart implementation vehicles, Main Management offers a unique approach that translates into distinct advantages for their clients.


Their principal goal is to deliver core solutions that outperform a stated benchmark in a tax aware manner so clients get to keep more of their investment returns.

Our team-based approach ensures the consistent application of the firm’s process discipline and does not make the investment process reliant on any one individual. With significant personal investments in Main Management’s investment strategies, our team’s interests are 100% aligned with those of our clients.


Our approach seeks out the best aspects of active and passive management by focusing on generating alpha while managing risk and controlling costs.

Main Management is Available on MAP Qualified

Main Management Models
  • Main Active Sector Rotation ETF
  • Main BuyWrite ETF

Main Management Active Sector Rotation

The Main Management Active Sector Rotation is managed in a tax-aware manner from the top-down, primary using passive sector and industry-based ETF's, paired with a bottom-up approach by focusing on fundamentals, valuations, and industry trends.

    The first step of the investment process is to identify sector, industry, and sub-industry-based ETF's that appear undervalued relative to history and the rest of the market based on valuation and growth metrics.
    The second step is to identify an appropriate catalyst or macroeconomic trend that can help close that valuation discount and lead to price appreciation.

This two-step approach results in sector exposure that is overweight or underweight relative to the benchmark; overweight in favorable sectors and underweight in unfavorable sectors. Additionally, the process results in buy/sell price targets for the sector, along with a time frame that the Investment Committee can actively monitor and discuss.

Main Management BuyWrite

The Main Management BuyWrite writes covered call options on a diversified portfolio of broad market indexes with the goal of generating income and reducing volatility. The strategy contains a global ETF allocation paired with a covered call option overlay. As part of the synergistic allocation process, underlying ETF positions are selected with their respective options markets in mind.

The strategy is actively managed from the top-down– using passive index-based ETFs with the greatest risk-adjusted potential for price appreciation and call-writing opportunity – paired with a bottom-up approach by focusing on fundamentals, valuations, and industry trends. The options can be written in, at, or out of the money based on the Investment Committee's outlook on the overall market as well as the more specific areas contained in the portfolio. Finally, the strategy targets a 50 bps monthly yield from a combination of the three income streams: dividends, options premiums, and underlying asset appreciation.


Main Management 2023 Webinar
3Q in 3M BUYW
Main Mgt - SECT
Main Mgt Q3 2023 Market Commentary