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ICON - Strategist Overview

Focusing on valuation, relative strength, and industry rotation to capture changing market themes, ICON relies on in-house research to provide portfolio solutions for financial advisers and their clients. As a disciplined, quantitative system designed to remove the emotion from investing, the ICON methodology:

  • Computes value-to-price ratios (V/P) utilizing the fundamentals of finance - earnings, projected growth, risk, and interest rates.
  • Determines industries within market sectors that our system shows to be demonstrating leadership against the broader market.
  • Rotates among undervalued and overvalued industries, buying those believed to be on sale, selling those seen as overpriced.
  • Selects individual securities that are underpriced relative to our estimate of intrinsic value.
  • Filters out corporate noise and goes against the crowd when valuation dictates.
  • Places no restrictions on market capitalization or simplistic value/growth characteristics; instead seeks the best value identified by the system for the investment dollar.

Based on the fair value methodology of Benjamin Graham, the "Father of Securities Analysis," the ICON quantitative valuation model has adapted and advanced Graham's approach to today's ever-changing market conditions. By combining valuation and relative strength to uncover leading market themes, ICON stresses industry exposure, thereby lessening the random risk associated with selecting individual securities.

ICON is Available on MAP Qualified & MAP NQ

ICON Models
  • US Growth Portfolio
  • US Moderate Portfolio
  • US Income Portfolio
  • SBI Global Growth Portfolio
  • SBI Global Moderate Portfolio
  • SBI Global Conservative Portfolio

ICON has also developed three new portfolios available which are sub-advised by AthenaInvest. These models are called "Strategy-Based Investing" (ICON SBI). It is our belief that superior managers and funds can be characterized by Strategy, Consistency and Conviction. AthenaInvest has developed a proprietary ranking system for mutual fund managers. These managers are rated according to the system and given a diamond rating ranging from 1 to 5, with a 5 diamond rating being the highest. These strategies typically buy and hold 4 and 5 diamond funds. The SBI Portfolios typically allocate amongst a combination of strategy equity, strategy fixed income and a tactical overlay. These SBI Portfolios are comprised of mutual funds from 3rd party managers and may include ICON funds.

  • ICON SBI Global Growth
  • ICON SBI Global Moderate
  • ICON SBI Global Conservative

ICON features allocation models designed specifically to meet the unique needs of individual investors:

  • U.S. Moderate Portfolio (Balanced Portfolio)-Balanced
  • U.S. Growth Portfolio (Tactical Portfolio)-Aggressive Growth
  • U.S. Income (Income) - Tactically Constrained


ICON 2024 Webinar

Contact us

For questions on any of the ICON portfolios available on MAP or to discuss sales support available, please contact the following representatives.

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