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Dimensional Funds Models (DFA)

Dimensional Funds - Strategist Overview

A belief in the power of markets
  • Each day, the global financial markets process millions of trades between buyers and sellers.
  • These trades embed vast amounts of news, expectations, and information into prices.
  • Dimensional regards a securitys price as the best estimate of actual value- and bases its investment approach on market prices.
A different investment approach
  • Index fund managers aim to match index returns, accepting portfolio management and trading constraints that can increase costs.
  • Traditional managers and Quants may rely on predictions or backtested simulations to ring misoriced securities or time markets.
  • Dimensional believes investors can have a successful investment experience without having to outguess the market. The firm trusts market prices and applies a scienaric, transparent, and process-ariven investment approacn to pursue nigner expected returns

Dimensional Core & Core Plus is Available on MAP Qualified

Dimensional Models
  • Core Wealth 0/100
  • Core Wealth 20/80
  • Core Wealth 40/60
  • Core Wealth 60/40
  • Core Wealth 80/20
  • Core Wealth 100/0
  • Core Wealth Plus 0/100
  • Core Wealth Plus 20/80
  • Core Wealth Plus 40/60
  • Core Wealth Plus 60/40
  • Core Wealth Plus 80/20
  • Core Wealth Plus 100/0

Dimensional Funds Advisors’ Core Wealth Models:

  • Pursues higher expected returns across global equity and fixed income markets.
  • Equity
    Deviates from market capitalization weights to target securities with higher expected returns - small cap, value, and high-profitability companies.
  • Fixed Income
    Features global portfolios positioned to pursue higher expected returns along term, credit, and currency-of-issuance dimensions.

Dimensional Funds Advisors’ Core Wealth Plus Models:

  • Seeks expected returns above those of the Core Wealth Models through greater emphasis on equity and fixed income securities offering higher expected returns.
  • Equity
    Emphasizes size, value, and profitability premiums more deeply through certain market wide and component strategies
  • Fixed Income
    Pursues higher expected returns through allocations that may emphasize longer duration and lower-credit-quality bonds across multiple currencies.


Dimensional Fund 2024 Webinar
The Difference the Right Financial Advisor Makes

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Contact us

If you have any questions regarding current market conditions and how Dimensional Fund Advisors strategies are responding to news, please contact us at 512-306-4700.

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