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Absolute Capital Management

Absolute Capital - Strategist Overview

Delivering investment solutions that go beyond the "buy and hold"…that’s the mission of Absolute Capital Management.

Now in our third decade, Absolute Capital Management has been providing turnkey money management programs to our clients since 2002. During that time, we have seen markets and economies ebb and flow. These fluctuations brought investors both opportunities and challenges. Such conditions are precisely why we founded Absolute Capital — to navigate the dynamic and demanding investment landscape with strategies to help investors reach their unique goals. While many things have changed over time, one thing that remains the same is our commitment to provide you with actively managed strategies positioned for current market conditions.

Absolute Capital is Available on MAP Qualified & MAP Non Qualified

Absolute Capital Models
  • Asset Allocator Aggressive Growth
  • Asset Allocator Growth
  • Asset Allocator Core
  • Asset Allocator Conservative
  • Asset Allocator Income
  • Portfolio Protector Bond
  • Portfolio Protector Multi - Fund
Active Management – A Defensive Strategy

Active management strategies, such as The Portfolio Protector - Bond, use a disciplined approach to monitor economic and market variables in order to move money in and out of the market seeking capital preservation.

The Portfolio Protector

The Portfolio Protector interprets market data in an effort to identify favorable and unfavorable market conditions based on our analysis. The program seeks to be fully or partially invested during periods where Absolute Capital’s analysis indicates favorable conditions, while being out of the market and in defensive funds during periods where Absolute Capital’s analysis indicates less favorable conditions – in an attempt to help avoid large losses and preserve capital.

Active management offers “selective participation” instead of riding the waves of the market.


Absolute Capital 2024 Webinar

Contact us

For questions regarding our Absolute Capital's risk adjusted money management strategies please call us at  888-388-8303.