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Castellum Asset Management

Castellum Asset Management - Strategist Overview

At Castellum Asset Management, we believe in using a team approach when it comes to investment research and wealth management, with a big part of that being you the advisor. Learning the needs of your clients in concert with decades of capital market experience has helped shaped the various model portfolio series we construct today.

Utilizing a variety of methodologies, Castellum Asset Management brings a wide range of solutions for you to help meet your client’s unique needs and goals.

Select & Vanguard Mutual Fund Models

Vanguard Mutual Fund
  • Features five “risk targeting” models designed to capture market returns based on long-term capital market assumptions.
  • Utilizing Vanguard mutual funds.
  • Rebalances and allocation changes occur three times per year.
  • MAP Strategy Classification: Core Strategic
Select Mutual Fund
  • Features five “risk targeting” models designed to capture market returns based on long-term capital market assumptions.
  • Utilizing no transaction fee mutual funds from a variety of providers, both household names and smaller funds groups.
  • Rebalances and allocation changes occur three times per year.
  • MAP Strategy Classification: Core Strategic

The Select and Vanguard Mutual Fund Models utilize a pre-determined mix of asset classes designed to capture market returns based on long-term capital market assumptions, while balancing risk and volatility matched to an investor’s risk tolerance and investment horizon.

The Select portfolios utilize no transaction fee mutual funds from a variety of providers, both household names and smaller funds groups.

The Vanguard Mutual Fund portfolios will only utilize mutual funds from the Vanguard fund family.

These portfolios are “risk-targeting” portfolios that will have only minor variation from the long-term equity to debt target. These small tactical moves look to take advantage of overall projected trends in the market, while remaining within a risk level that you have determined to be appropriate for your client. Rebalances and allocation changes occur three times per year.

The models utilize a complex set of parameters known as Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) to generate compatible asset allocation choices for your client’s investment objective. Modern Portfolio Theory is a Nobel-Prize winning theory on how risk-averse investors can construct portfolios to optimize market risk for expected returns, emphasizing that risk is an inherent part of higher reward. The Select models apply MPT to help offer the most compatible asset allocation for your investing preferences.

Castellum Select is Available on MAP Qualified & MAP Non Qualified

Castellum Select Models
  • Conservative
  • Balanced
  • Moderate
  • Growth Appreciation
  • Maximum Appreciation

Castellum Vanguard is Available on MAP Qualified

Castellum Vanguard Models
  • Conservative
  • Balanced
  • Moderate
  • Growth
  • Aggressive

Strategic ETF Model Portfolios

The Strategic ETF models utilizes a pre-determined mix of asset classes designed to capture market returns based on long-term capital market assumptions, while balancing risk and volatility matched to an investor’s risk tolerance and investment horizon.

The Strategic ETF portfolios utilize ETFs from a variety of providers. These portfolios are “risk-targeting” portfolios that will have only minor variation from the long-term equity to debt target. These models look to take advantage of overall projected trends in the market, while remaining within a risk level that you have determined to be appropriate for your client. Rebalances occur every 13 months to avoid short term capital gains.

The Strategic Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) models utilize a complex set of parameters known as Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) to generate compatible asset allocation choices for your client’s investment objective. Modern Portfolio Theory is a Nobel-Prize winning theory on how risk-averse investors can construct portfolios to optimize market risk for expected returns, emphasizing that risk is an inherent part of higher reward. The Strategic ETF models applies MPT to help offer the most compatible asset allocation for your investing preferences.

Castellum Strategic ETF's is Available on MAP Qualified & MAP Non Qualified

Castellum Strategic ETF Models
  • Strategic ETF Conservative
  • Strategic ETF Balanced
  • Strategic ETF Moderate
  • Strategic ETF Growth Appreciation
  • Strategic ETF Maximum Appreciation

Dynamic ETF Model Portfolios

The Dynamic Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) models utilize a core-satellite approach that is designed to give clients exposure to the overall trend of the market, while also offering the potential for outperformance.

The core portion of the portfolio utilizes a pre-determined mix of asset classes designed to capture market returns based on long-term capital market assumptions, while balancing risk and volatility matched to an investor’s risk tolerance and investment horizon. It utilizes low-cost indexing as the center of this portion of the strategy and has a heavier overall weighting than the satellite portion of the portfolio. The satellite portion of the portfolios are focused on generation of alpha through recognizing market and economic trends. This portion of the strategy will overweight and underweight areas of the stock and bond markets that are expected to outperform during and economic regime.

The Dynamic ETF portfolios utilize ETFs from a variety of providers. These portfolios are “risk-targeting” portfolios that will have only minor variation from the long-term equity to debt target. These models look to take advantage of overall projected trends in the market, while remaining within a risk level that you have determined to be appropriate for your client. Rebalances occur as needed based changes in the economy and markets.

In addition to the risk targeting portfolios, a Flexible Strategy model is offered that only utilizes the satellite approach. This strategy will be 100% in bonds at times, 100% in equities or somewhere in between the two extremes.

Castellum Dynamic is Available on MAP Qualified & MAP Non Qualified

Castellum Dynamic ETF Models
  • Dynamic ETF Conservative
  • Dynamic ETF Balanced
  • Dynamic ETF Moderate
  • Dynamic ETF Growth Appreciation
  • Dynamic ETF Maximum Appreciation
  • Tactical ETF Flexible Strategy

Legacy Programs

Allocations for Security Benefit or programs closed to new sales.


First Trust & Castellum Asset Mgt 2024 Webinar